玫瑰日記 2002/05/16

It was my younger sister's 21st birthday..

hard to believe she was also turning to 21..

because she always looks like younger than her actual age..

My dad asked her if she wanted a B-day party or not..

She said no, but we still went to a friend's place after dinner..

Some friends in church said they had present for her..

That's why we were out..

In america, 21 is an important age to everyone..

You're legal to drink, legal to go to bar,

legal to do whatelse that is not allowed to do if you're under 21..

When you turns to 21, it's time to treat you as an adult..


(in school)

Handed in my first essay in class..

The teacher said it is a diagnosed esaay..

He wouldn't gonna grade it like a real Regent's Test essay..

I think the essay I wrote is not bad..

but there must be some where I can make it mushc better..

Also, I know the teacher will grade it as hard as he can..

no matter what kind of essay will be..



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